Light-Touch Therapy for the

Support and Relief of Aging Ailments

Age is but a number.

Your body has done an amazing job supporting you throughout the years.

Each year may present something new and creates a tipping point to acknowledge things don’t work quite like they use too. Overall you are still active and healthy, so the care you seek is maintain and support your level of wellness.

Whether you feel you are dealing with “normal aches and pains” or a chronic illness/health challenge, I’m here to help.

How can somatic light-touch therapy help you?

Somatic light-touch therapy is wonderful at addressing the physical body as well as the emotional components associated with it. Receiving regular treatments helps the body increase its baseline of wellness helping it to rebuild, restore and prevent.

Through my years of experience as a practitioner, I’ve come to see that healing does not fully take place unless these two aspects of a person are addressed.

One is not separate from the other.

With therapy we can work together to address old injuries and pains along with addressing the present.